The Agricultural Research corporation (ARC), in cooperation with FAO, organized an enlightening workshop on the crop-fortification project on Thursday, 9/8/2018 at the Ministry of Agriculture, Kassala State, at 10 am. The workshop was attended by the Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture – Kassala D. Ali Mohamed Ali, Director of Kassala and Al-Qash Research Station and a number of representatives of various sectors and organizations. The delegation of the Agricultural Research corporation included:
Prof / Kamal Al-Siddiq, Dr. Adam Mohammed Saleh, Dr. Mohammed Hamza Al-Jada and Dr. Shadia Abdullah Saleh.
Where the workshop included three axes:
A general paper on the project and its objectives and the expected benefit in improving food security and reducing the diseases of malnutrition. (Prof / Kamal Al-Siddiq)
B- A paper on the importance of the food crops of the eastern Sudanese communities and ongoing research activities (Dr. Shadia Abdullah Saleh).
C – paper on the importance of millet yield, (Dr. Adam Mohammed Saleh).
The workshop targeted all partners in the production process.
Where the debate was on how to spread the culture of the use of such crops because of the many nutrients such as zinc and iron