ICT in Agriculture: Need of the hour
Note: source http://www.fao.org/e-agriculture/blog/ict-agriculture-need-hour Crop cultivation is a complex process and involves a set of activities like land preparation, planting, pest control, irrigation, nutrient management, harvesting, marketing, etc. The entire...
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Sugarcane in Sudan
Brazil is the leader by far among the sugar producing (37.2 million Tonnes) and exporting (25.2 million Tonnes) countries. The total traded sugar world-wide amounts to 53 million Tonnes. Thailand is the second largest exporter with 5.1 million Tonnes and third is...
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Tomato in Sudan
The tomato plant is native to South America (Peru and Ecuador) and was first domesticated in Mexico. It is one of the world’s major fresh and processed fruits. Tomato was introduced to cultivation in the Middle East around the end of the 18th century. The crop is now...
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Wheat in Sudan
Along with maize and rice, wheat is one of the most important food crops. Wheat is a cereal grain, originating from the Levant region of the Near East and Ethiopian Highlands, but the crop is now cultivated worldwide. In 2007 world production of wheat was 607 MT,...
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