Prof.Abdelmoneim Taha Ahmed
Director General
Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) – Sudan
The vision of the ARC is to become a centre of excellence in agricultural research by developing skilled manpower and conducting quality research. The generation of technologies to ensure sustainable crop production and the active role in technology transfer are among pivotal roles of ARC.
The mission of the ARC is to plan, develop and implement research designed to produce technologies and systems that are required to ensure high and sustainable crop productivity and food security.
The main goals are to contribute to the achievement of food security, alleviation of poverty, generation of incomes, promotion of agricultural export and conservation of natural resources
News from APGRC
Seed samples of 273 accessions of genetic resources of different crops that include groundnut, faba bean, wheat, barley, peas and lentils are being prepared for conservation in the genebank of the Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Research Centre...
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A recently published study refers to the possibility that the present cultivated watermelons in the world might have originated from Kordofan in Sudan, where a closest relative of the present day's watermelons is found in a white-pulped watermelon form grown in...
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A parcel containing seed samples of 351 accessions of local Sudanese genetic resources of different crops has been sent on 20 May 2021 by the Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Research Centre to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) in Norway for...
read moreProf. Kamal El-SiddigAgricultural research in the Sudan started in 1902 to explore the possibility of producing cotton under irrigation. It expanded rapidly to encompass research activities in different crops and various ecological zones in the country. In 1967, the agricultural Research, which was a Division within the Ministry of Agriculture, became the semi-autonomous, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. In 2001, the ARC, www.arcsudan.sd became part of the newly formed Ministry of Science and Technology, which was established by a Presidential Decree in 2001, by amalgamating several research institutions that existed within several Government Ministries. In 2010, ARC returned to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Prof. Imad-eldin Ahmed Ali BabikerThe ARC has a wide network of linkages with many bilateral and multilateral development agencies and regional and international research institutions, important among which are given as follows:
- Regional agricultural research associations e.g. ASARECA, AARINENA and FARA.
- Intergovernmental organizations e.g. FAO, AOAD and IAEA, IGAD, GEF, UNEP, UNDP.
- Financing institutions such as World Bank, IDAD, EU, IDRC, Islamic Development Bank, USAID.
- Organization for Technical cooperation: JICA, SIDA, GTZ, DFID, Bilateral relations with foreign universities and agro-industrial firms.
For furthering the partnership with international research centers, the Sudan has decided to join the CGIAR fund in 2014 by signing two-year agreement and contributing 1.0$ million to the CGIAR s multi-donor trust fund in 2015-2014. As a donor to the CGIAR fund, Sudan will benefit from world’s largest Agricultural Research Partnership in the fields of development and dissemination of improved crop varieties, sustainable agro-forestry and integrated crop-livestock systems.
ICT in Agriculture: Need of the hour
Note: source http://www.fao.org/e-agriculture/blog/ict-agriculture-need-hour Crop cultivation is a complex process and involves a set of activities like land preparation, planting, pest control, irrigation, nutrient management, harvesting, marketing, etc. The entire...
read moreSugarcane in Sudan
Brazil is the leader by far among the sugar producing (37.2 million Tonnes) and exporting (25.2 million Tonnes) countries. The total traded sugar world-wide amounts to 53 million Tonnes. Thailand is the second largest exporter with 5.1 million Tonnes and third is...
read moreTomato in Sudan
The tomato plant is native to South America (Peru and Ecuador) and was first domesticated in Mexico. It is one of the world’s major fresh and processed fruits. Tomato was introduced to cultivation in the Middle East around the end of the 18th century. The crop is now...
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